The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

SDL2, OpenGL ES 2.0 example for Windows / Linux

I think it might be useful for people who want to start writing graphics code in Odin:

This is damn bloody cool!!!
I agree. This is really awesome. I was considering trying SDL2 in Odin. I would recommend adding binary library files to your gitignore, unless that is something you did on purpose. You can link to the dependencies in your readme file. That's just like my opinion man though. Thanks for sharing!

Edited by Josh Taylor on
Added Linux binaries to .gitignore. The only dependency is SDL2 for Linux, for Windows all the required dlls are in the repo :)
Dammit, I don't need this kind of distraction right now :-P