This language is starting to take shape very fast and the "base language" looks like it will be done sooner than later.
Today's questions are mainly syntax but also semantics.
A ranged for loop looks like this:
| for val in start..<end { // Half-Closed Range
// Similar to
for val := start; val < end; val++ {
for val in start...end { // Open Range
// Similar to
for val := start; val <= end; val++ {
These are very useful constructs however, I have very little need for the "open range" and the explicit c-style for loop may be clearer.
My question for this part is, should I allow both (like Swift) or just have the "half-closed range" (like Rust)?
If the only range is half-closed, maybe the operator should just be a double dot `..` (and that would also act as the "ellipsis"), or a colon `:` for ranges (like slice operations currently) (see the Cobra language).
Slicing Operations
Currently, if you want to slice something, the syntax is similar to Go, Python, Cobra, etc:
| thing[a:b] // a ..< b
thing[a:] // a ..< thing.count
thing[:b] // 0 ..< b
thing[:] // 0 ..< thing.count
This means that all slice operations are half-closed which is syntactically inconsistency with for ranges. If I allow both range types, the syntax may look a little weird to get the same results.
| thing[a..<b] // a ..< b
thing[a..<] // a ..< thing.count
thing[..<b] // 0 ..< b
thing[..<] // 0 ..< thing.count
thing[a...b] // a ... b
thing[a...] // a ... thing.count-1
thing[...b] // 0 ... b
thing[...] // 0 ... thing.count-1
Using the `..` range proposed in the previous section, would make it look a bit nicer:
| thing[a..b] // a ..< b
thing[a..] // a ..< thing.count
thing[..b] // 0 ..< b
thing[..] // 0 ..< thing.count
My question for this part is (dependent on the previous section), what should the slicing syntax be?
Slice Internals
The colon syntax was originally used as slices stored a capacity as well as a count (e.g. `a[low:high:max]`) which meant that slices could be used as a buffer-like type. This was removed when dynamic arrays but this may not be the designed result. I'm starting to think that allowing a slice to have a capacity would be a better ideas as it would follow a "pattern":
| Pointer - data
(Fixed) Array - data + count*
Slice - data + count + capacity
Dynamic Array - data + count + capacity + allocator
* count is implicit as it's not stored due to array counts being known at compile time.
And finally the questions for this part: are buffer-like slices are a better construct to have? And what would the slicing syntax be to allow for an optional capacity "field"?